Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Test results are in for Hopalong Cassidy (hmm, gives a whole new meaning to the term “hip-hop artist,” doesn’t it? :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 10:33 AM

I've deleted the original of this post and am re-publishing a copy thereof, in the hope that the comments will be accessible, this time. I'm re-setting the date and time for yesterday at 2:32 PM, when the original was published. Hope to hear from you.

The category is “other.” As in not cancer, not “precancer/dysplasia,” not infectious, not inflammatory, not "suspicious."

For the benefit of the medical professionals among you, here’s the official diagnosis:

“Dilated vascular proliferation with organizing thrombi and fibroconnective tissue. Note: These findings may represent a vascular malformation.”

If I understood my podiatric surgeon correctly, I think that translates into English as a tiny, non-life-threatening blood clot and some extra tissue. The cause is unknown, but this may have been the result of an injury, which, considering the fact that I’m accident-prone and a folk dancer, seems to be the most likely explanation.

The stitches, which the doctor was happy to see are still nicely intact and properly taut, will be removed next Monday at 1 PM.

Grandmammy Amos signing off. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled blogging.

3:51 PM: I don't seem to have access to the comments to this post, at the moment. I'll respond when able. On the off chance that no one else has access, either, I did see Elie's good wishes before the comment access ceased functioning. Thanks, Elie.

5:30 PM: Access to the comments for this post seems to be unavailable, for reasons unknown--when I click, all I see is an empty window--so please be kind enough to e-mail your comments and I'll post them below.



Baruch Hashem it's not worse! May you have a full recovery.

Posted by Elie to ON THE FRINGE—AL TZITZIT at 1/16/2007 02:58:23 PM

Thanks, Elie. At this point, it appears likely that I'll be back to work by next Wednesday.

Posted by Shira Salamone to ON THE FRINGE—AL TZITZIT at 1/16/2007 03:14:34 PM


Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Testing, 1, 2, 3.

Well, this comment shows up in the preview. I hope the comments function continues to work.

Wed Jan 17, 10:37:00 AM 2007  
Blogger westbankmama said...

Baruch Hashem! I'm glad to hear that it isn't serious.

Sun Jan 21, 07:52:00 AM 2007  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Thanks, WestBankMama. Or should I call you . . . ;)

Sun Jan 21, 12:53:00 PM 2007  

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